R introduction

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R part I training

Slides R part I training

Files R part I training

Cheat sheets

Data sets

R scripts

Exercises during the class

Extra exercises

  • R script to complete for the first exercise: statistical analyses
  • R script to complete for the second exercise: recap on graphs + a few new tricks
  • R script to complete for the third exercise: advanced graphs
  • R script with solutions for the first exercise: statistical analyses
  • R script with solutions for the second exercise: recap on graphs + a few new tricks
  • R script with solutions for the third exercise: advanced graphs

Specific analyses

Statistical thinking training

Files Statistical thinking training

Slides as ppt

Experiment Design training

Files Experiment Design training

Software Experiment Design training

You need the latest version of R and RStudio and the following packages:

  • reshape2
  • tidyverse
  • lme4
  • AlgDesign
  • agricolae


R and RStudio

On this page you can find an introduction to R, the statistical programming language. We will assume that you're working in RStudio, although most of the things we show will also work in the R editor.

Although you can work directly in the R editor, most people find it easier to use RStudio on top of R. RStudio is free separate software to make R more user-friendly. It's essentially a graphical user interface for R.

Check out this video tutorial on the RStudio user interface.

Extra info and tips:

  • Features of the console that make life easier e.g. retrieving previous commands…
  • How to search the History
  • Find and replace can be opened using Ctrl+F.
  • RStudio supports the automatic completion of words using the Tab key.
    For example, if you have an object named relfreq (relative frequencies) in your workspace, you can type r and then Tab and RStudio will automatically show a list of possibilities to complete the full name of the object.


Install R (and RStudio)

R is available at the CRAN website. Upon choosing a CRAN mirror, you can download R.
R is available for Linux, Mac and Windows.

You can download RStudio from the RStudio website.

Install R packages

Check out this video tutorial on installing packages in R.

Part of the reason that R is so popular is the enormous diversity of packages that are available for R. Packages are collections of R programs that are able to perform a certain analysis, e.g. Matrix is a package that contains all the R-code you need for creating and working with matrices. R packages are available at the CRAN and Bioconductor websites.

Issues with installation of R/R packages

Mac: error message: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using “C” during package installation

  • Close RStudio
  • Open Terminal
  • Type:
    defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8
  • Close Terminal
  • Start RStudio and retry installation

Creating a project in RStudio

An R project is a folder in RStudio where all your work on one project (e.g. a chapter in your PhD dissertation) is gathered. Projects help you to stay organized. When you create a project R will load data and scripts from and save results to this folder.

Creating and running scripts

A script is a text file that contains all the commands you will use. You cannot only write and run scripts but you can also save them so next time you need to do a similar analysis you can change and re-run the script with minimal effort. An R project can contain multiple scripts.


Scripts consist of a list of commands. Commands in R have a certain format:

output <- method(list of arguments)

Alternatively, you may use the following format:

output = method(list of arguments)

For example:

p = ggplot(mtcars,(aes(wt,mpg))

In this example ggplot() is the method. It generates a plot so the plot p is the output of the method. Before a function can start the actions and calculations that it encodes, it needs prior information: input data and parameter settings. These are called the arguments of the function. In this example the arguments are:
mtcars: a data frame consisting of 9 columns containing the input data
aes(wt,mpg): defines the columns you want to plot (wt and mpg) and how you want to plot them (wt on the X- axis and mpg on the Y-axis)

Creating a new script

Loading packages in R

You only need to install a package once. But each time you want to use a package you have to load it (activate its functions).

Getting help / documentation in R

You can find a lot of documentation online:

  • The documentation section of the R website
    Unfortunately this section is nor easily accessible nor well-structured and it can be quite a challenge to consult the help files of different R packages and functions online. By far the most user-friendly interface for searching the R documentation is the Rdocumentation website.
  • Documentation of RStudio
  • Quick R: for those who would like to make the transition to R (from SAS, SPSS, Stata)
  • R-bloggers: R-news and tutorials contributed by bloggers
  • Inside-R: a website created by people who are using R containing examples, how-to’s, packages…

Some R commands allow you to consult the documentation:

You can also ask for information on specific topics, e.g. find out what arguments a method needs...

Data types in R

A data frame contains several elements. It essentially has a matrix structure but some of the columns of the data frame might be matrices themselves. The different elements are allowed to contain different data types.

All columns in a matrix must have the same data type and length.