Annotating a full experiment

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In this exercise we will use data coming from the same experiment as the data set in Second exercise on analyzing gene expression data in qbase+. So there you can find a full description of the experiment.

Creating a new experiment

Loading the data

Close the Analysis wizard by clicking the Close wizard button and look at the data.

Annotating the data

In the data set, samples are ordered according to the columns:

  • control1 is located in column1
  • control2 is located in column2
  • ...

There are 5 control samples and 5 treated samples.

In the data set, targets are ordered according to the rows:

  • refgene1 is located in row A
  • the technical replicate of refgene1 is located in row B
  • refgene2 is located in row C
  • the technical replicate of refgene2 is located in row D
  • ...

There are 2 reference genes and 2 genes of interest. There are two technical replicates of each reaction.

Now you should have generated the same data set as used in Second exercise on analyzing gene expression data in qbase+.