NGS-Var2020 Exercise.6

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Annotate and filter VCF variant lists with SnpEff and SNPSift


Choose the right tool to enrich your VCF data

A growing number of tools are available to annotate and select from VCF files. The choice of the best tool for your application depends on several factors.

  • when you need the job done and do not worry about the flexibility, we advise to use SnpEff and the companion SnpSift which are both easy to use java programs.
  • if you wish to add annotations from third-party databases that are not present in the other tools, or if you work on a organism absent from the above tool, you may consider using Annovar that was included in our former training session ([1]).
  • Another rising tool from the Broad Institute called Funcotator is not yet really mature but should develop into a nice tool in the near future. You can access the page of the Funcotator Beta version here
  • when you only need to annotate a few VCF rows, you are welcome to use public servers like:
    • the EnsEMBL VEP server (introduced in our related Wiki page [2])
    • the UCSC VAI ([3])
    • the SeatleSeq server ([4])

Technical.png Submitting 'patentable' information to the WEB infringes the novelty clause and will expose patient information to the internet, and the size of input is limited to few 100's lines

  • other tools have been used with success like vcfCodingSnps ([5])


Annotate your variants with SnpEff

  • start the SnpEff module and link to the intersect VCF file with varscan as first set
  • run the tool and wait for results

Explore the snpEff_summary.html report

The report can be found HERE






A second file (snpEff_genes.txt') was produced that can be open in excel and provides the counts of each different variant type for each gene. A transpose content for the first gene is reproduced below

TranscriptId NM_001318038.1 NM_017436.5
BioType protein_coding protein_coding
variants_impact_HIGH 0 0
variants_impact_LOW 2 2
variants_impact_MODERATE 1 1
variants_impact_MODIFIER 139 139
variants_effect_3_prime_UTR_variant 1 1
variants_effect_5_prime_UTR_premature_start_codon_gain_variant 0 0
variants_effect_5_prime_UTR_variant 0 1
variants_effect_conservative_inframe_deletion 0 0
variants_effect_conservative_inframe_insertion 0 0
variants_effect_disruptive_inframe_deletion 0 0
variants_effect_disruptive_inframe_insertion 0 0
variants_effect_downstream_gene_variant 18 18
variants_effect_frameshift_variant 0 0
variants_effect_intron_variant 110 106
variants_effect_missense_variant 1 1
variants_effect_non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 0 0
variants_effect_non_coding_transcript_variant 0 0
variants_effect_sequence_feature 0 0
variants_effect_splice_acceptor_variant 0 0
variants_effect_splice_donor_variant 0 0
variants_effect_splice_region_variant 0 0
variants_effect_stop_gained 0 0
variants_effect_structural_interaction_variant 0 0
variants_effect_synonymous_variant 2 2
variants_effect_upstream_gene_variant 10 13

Compress and index the VCF data

  • Use the BgzipAndTabindex module

Add variant type information

  • Use the SnpSift.varType module
splaisan@gbw-l-m0172:~/Downloads$ zgrep -v "^#" SnpEff_GATK_HG001_recalibrated_vartypes.vcf.gz | head -1
chr22	10510212	.	A	T	48.28	VQSRTrancheSNP99.80to99.90	AC=2;AF=1.00;AN=2;DP=2;ExcessHet=3.0103;FS=0.000;MLEAC=1;MLEAF=0.500;MQ=25.00;QD=24.14;SOR=2.303;VQSLOD=-2.123e+01;culprit=MQ;SNP;HOM;VARTYPE=SNP;ANN=T|intergenic_region|MODIFIER|CHR_START-LOC102723780|CHR_START-LOC102723780|intergenic_region|CHR_START-LOC102723780|||n.10510212A>T||||||	GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL	1/1:0,2:2:6:60,6,0

Add dbSNP information for known variants

If you did not select the known SNP annotation when you ran GATK.GermlineGenotyper, you can do this now using SNPSift as shown below.

The results will be the addition of the rsID in field #3 as well as the annotation of the dbSNP build used for this in the INFO field #8.

# using GATK.GermlineGenotyper, only rs229526 was added in the 3rd field
chr22   37185382        rs229526        G       C       3803.6  PASS    AC=1;AF=0.500;AN=2;BaseQRankSum=-1.404e+00;DB;DP=267;ExcessHet=3.0103;FS=2.701;MLEAC=1;MLEAF=0.500;MQ=60.00;MQRankSum=0.00;POSITIVE_TRAIN_SITE;QD=14.25;ReadPosRankSum=7.000e-03;SOR=0.536;VQSLOD=18.47;culprit=MQ;ANN=C|missense_variant|MODERATE|C1QTNF6|C1QTNF6|transcript|NM_031910.3|protein_coding|2/3|c.125C>G|p.Pro42Arg|202/2936|125/837|42/278||,C|missense_variant|MODERATE|C1QTNF6|C1QTNF6|transcript|NM_182486.1|protein_coding|2/4|c.125C>G|p.Pro42Arg|202/1652|125/837|42/278||  GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL  0/1:132,135:267:99:3811,0,3760
  • Use the SnpSift.Annotate module
# the VCF file gets an extra line describing the annotation process

##SnpSiftCmd="SnpSift Annotate /opt/genepattern/users/.cache/uploads/cache/ /opt/genepattern/jobResults/1508/GATK_variants.recalibrated_VQSR.vcf.gz"

# after SnpSift.Annotate, the version of the dbSNP database can also be found for each row in the VCF (here: dbSNPBuildID=79)
chr22   37185382        rs229526        G       C       3803.6  PASS    AC=1;AF=0.500;AN=2;BaseQRankSum=-1.404e+00;DB;DP=267;ExcessHet=3.0103;FS=2.701;MLEAC=1;MLEAF=0.500;MQ=60.00;MQRankSum=0.00;POSITIVE_TRAIN_SITE;QD=14.25;ReadPosRankSum=7.000e-03;SOR=0.536;VQSLOD=18.47;culprit=MQ;ANN=C|missense_variant|MODERATE|C1QTNF6|C1QTNF6|transcript|NM_031910.3|protein_coding|2/3|c.125C>G|p.Pro42Arg|202/2936|125/837|42/278||,C|missense_variant|MODERATE|C1QTNF6|C1QTNF6|transcript|NM_182486.1|protein_coding|2/4|c.125C>G|p.Pro42Arg|202/1652|125/837|42/278||;ASP;CAF=0.8109,0.1891,.;COMMON=1;G5;GENEINFO=C1QTNF6:114904;GNO;HD;KGPhase1;KGPhase3;MTP;NSM;PM;PMC;REF;RS=229526;RSPOS=37185382;RV;SAO=0;SLO;SSR=0;VC=SNV;VLD;VP=0x050128000a0515053f020100;WGT=1;dbSNPBuildID=79       GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL  0/1:132,135:267:99:3811,0,3760

Technical.png Note that these new values can be filtered on using SnpSift filter introduced below

Filter and select relevant data from a VCF file with SnpSift

SnpEff has added a large number of annotations and scores which allow us filter the data and find loci of interest based on our assumptions. Filtering is done using SnpSift, the companion tool of SnpEff

Find out more about the syntax for SnpSift queries on the SnpSift page


example queries:

  • Q1: (ANN[*].EFFECT has 'missense_variant') (should same today but when more than one genome => on 'any' of them)
  • Q2: (ANN[*].GENE = 'CLTCL1')
  • Q3: ANN[*].IMPACT = 'HIGH'
  • Q4: (ANN[*].GENE = 'CLTCL1') & ( ANN[*].IMPACT = 'HIGH' )
  • Q5: ( CHROM = 'chr22' ) & ( POS > 15000000 ) & ( POS < 20000000 )
  • Q6: ( ( REF == 'C' ) & ( ALT =='T' ) ) | ( ( REF == 'G' ) & ( ALT =='A' ) ) : Potential EMS variants (alkylation reaction puts a ethyl group on Guanine residues, leading to G:C=>A:T transitions Wikipedia)
  • Q7: (( CHROM = 'chr22' ) & ( POS > 15000000 ) & ( POS < 20000000 ) ) & ( ANN[*].IMPACT = 'HIGH' )

A little terminal excursion and we get the counts

grep -c -v "^#" Q*.vcf
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
And many more possibilities by combining the queries

more examples

  • GEN[*].GT = '0/1'
  • VARTYPE = 'SNP' (only available when you have added this info above using SnpSift.varType)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
OR (|) and NOT (!) can also be used with appropriate '()' grouping


Extract minimal information from a Filtered VCF

We can extract chosen information from VCF files with another SnpSift command. Here is an example of extraction from the query results of

  • start the SnpSift.extractFields module and the HIGH impact filtered dataset

the results should look like this

chr22 10960433 T G 564 LOC102723780
chr22 19524402 rs885985 G A 255 p.Gln37* CLDN5
chr22 19763250 rs41298814 T C 245 TBX1
chr22 19962712 rs4633 C T 243 COMT
chr22 19963684 rs4818 C G 242 COMT
chr22 19963748 rs4680 G A 234 COMT
chr22 21009455 rs2075276 T C 237 TUBA3FP
chr22 21183417 rs9754324 T G 61 FAM230B
chr22 24621069 rs56214106 C T 242 GGT1
chr22 24728176 rs73152579 C T 352 PIWIL3 PIWIL3|4|0.50)
chr22 26625493 rs5761637 T C 204 CRYBA4
chr22 30461461 rs5749104 A G 221 SEC14L3
chr22 30468623 rs4820853 A G 244 SEC14L3
chr22 31267856 rs2228619 C G 246 LIMK2
chr22 36191797 ACT A 286 p.Glu111fs APOL4 APOL4|2|1.00)
chr22 36967952 rs112317095;rs60821613 T TTTTATTTA 308 LL22NC01-81G9.3
chr22 37226775 rs1064498 A G 183 RAC2
chr22 38961581 rs1065183 T C 41 APOBEC3A
chr22 41155035 rs20552 T A 282 EP300
chr22 41940168 rs5758511 G A 238 p.Arg3* CENPM
chr22 42387064 rs34963472 G A 234 p.Arg189* NFAM1
chr22 44606929 rs12152184 A G 201 LINC00229
chr22 49922288 rs758608747 CCTCAGCAGTCAGGACCGGCCTCTCCGATTCTTACCCG C 226 p.Val198_Pro208delinsAla CRELD2
chr22 50255868 rs1129880 A G 235 MAPK12
chr22 50266232 rs2076139 T C 241 MAPK11
chr22 50522253 rs140524 C T 258 NCAPH2 NCAPH2|3|0.67)
chr22 50525807 rs11479 G A 343 TYMP
chr22_KI270928v1_alt 64853 T TC 190 p.Glu160fs CYP2D6 CYP2D6.7|1|1.00)

Note that some variants have content in the LOF column; This column reports the fraction of alternate spliced transcripts that carry the variant and can be a good think to consider when you filter variants.

Technical.png When not all splicing isoforms carry a mutation, what is the consequence on the gene function?


Apply a more complex filter

novel (no rsID in the 3rd column after applying 'annotate' dbSNP138) HET (from genotype field GT) SNP (after applying 'varType')

  • ( CHROM = 'chr22' ) & ( GEN[*].GT = '0/1' ) & ( ANN[*].IMPACT = 'HIGH' )
  • to have only novel mutant as compared to dbSNP146, you would add & ( ! exists ID )

Now extract the fields as above but from the output of the new filtered data

chr22 10960433 T G 564 LOC102723780 0/1 splice_acceptor_variant&intron_variant
chr22 19524402 G A rs885985 255 p.Gln37* CLDN5 0/1 stop_gained
chr22 19763250 T C rs41298814 245 TBX1 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 19962712 C T rs4633 243 COMT 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 19963684 C G rs4818 242 COMT 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 19963748 G A rs4680 234 COMT 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 21009455 T C rs2075276 237 TUBA3FP 0/1 splice_acceptor_variant&intron_variant
chr22 24621069 C T rs56214106 242 GGT1 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 24728176 C T rs73152579 352 PIWIL3 PIWIL3|4|0.50) 0/1 splice_donor_variant&intron_variant
chr22 30461461 A G rs5749104 221 SEC14L3 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 30468623 A G rs4820853 244 SEC14L3 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 36967952 T TTTTATTTA rs112317095;rs60821613 308 LL22NC01-81G9.3 0/1 splice_acceptor_variant&intron_variant
chr22 37226775 A G rs1064498 183 RAC2 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 41155035 T A rs20552 282 EP300 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 41940168 G A rs5758511 238 p.Arg3* CENPM 0/1 stop_gained
chr22 42387064 G A rs34963472 234 p.Arg189* NFAM1 0/1 stop_gained
chr22 44606929 A G rs12152184 201 LINC00229 0/1 splice_donor_variant&intron_variant
chr22 50266232 T C rs2076139 241 MAPK11 0/1 structural_interaction_variant
chr22 50522253 C T rs140524 258 NCAPH2 NCAPH2|3|0.67) 0/1 splice_donor_variant&intron_variant
chr22 50525807 G A rs11479 343 TYMP 0/1 structural_interaction_variant


download exercise files

Download exercise files here

Use the right application to open the files present in ex6-files


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