Adding repositories containing bioinformatics tools in Red Hat-derived distributions
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Adding EPEL to your software sources
EPEL stands for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux and contains some bioinformatics tools. To install, EPEL provides an RPM to download, which will set up the EPEL repository. Once plugged in, use the Package Manager to install bioinformatics packages.
First, find out whether your distribution is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or 6. Open a terminal and typeuname -aThe result shows you the version of RHEL (indicated in yellow below).
Choose the correct version on from the EPEL website and download the corresponding RPM.
Double-click on the .rpm file to install the RPM with the Package Installer
Alternatively, install the .rpm file with# yum install epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
Once installation is done, you can start installing software by using the Package Manager.
Adding AgResearch repo to your software sources
The AgResearch repo
From their page: "This agr-free repository is the result of packaging bioinformatics software together with any required dependencies over an extended period of time. It is now freely available as a resource for the bioinformatics community."
Download the public key of AgResearch
A public key is used to verify the source of a file. In this case, we want to check whether a package comes from AgResearch. Therefore, we first need to install their public key.
Download it from here and put the file into the folder /etc/pki/rpm-gpg. You can do this for example (with the right permissions) with:
cd /etc/pki/rpm-gpg; wget
Add the repo file
Download the repository description file of the AgResearch repository and put it in /etc/yum.repos.d.
cd /etc/yum.repos.d ; wget
Install yum plugin priorities
Install a plugin for yum, which is the default cli package manager in RedHat.
yum install -y yum-plugin-priorities
Give priorities to the repositories
agr-free is designed to be used with other repo's, such as EPEL. If you give higher priority to certain repo's, their packages will be preferentially installed over other repo's (e.g. versions can differ between repo's). This will avoid conflicts. AgResearch recommend to set the priorities as mentioned on their website
Install bioinformatics packages using yum
yum install MUMmer
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