Exercise 14: Box plots in Prism

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Go to parent GraphPad Prism statistical analyses

For this exercise we will use data of the babies data set. We are going to create a boxplot of babies’ weight for each category of smoking behavior of the mother:

  • 0 = never (never smoked)
  • 1 = yes (still smoking)
  • 2 = recently (quit during pregnancy)
  • 3 = long ago (quit before pregnancy)
  • 9 = unknown

So we need to create five boxplots in total.

This means we only need the wt (weight of the baby) and smoke column, but we need to get the weights for different smoking categories in separate columns. I will explain it for the first smoking category: 0=never.

Go back to the XY table containing smoke and wt values. Repeat the pruning for smoke=1, smoke=2, smoke=3 and smoke=9.

Once you have the pruned wt columns for each smoking type, you can start thinking about the box plots. The easiest is to create one table containing 5 columns, each column containing weights of babies for one specific type of smoking behaviour.

Just for the sake of the next exercise (Exercise 15C), we'll also create an individual box plot for smoke=0 and smoke=1.

Do the same for smoke=1.