Hands-on introduction to NGS RNASeq DE analysis-laptop-file-list

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[ Main_Page | NGS_data_analysis | Hands-on_introduction_to_NGS_RNASeq_DE_analysis ]

may be updated !

last update, 2015/04/23

|-- [7.8K]  bits_logo_color_150px.png
|-- [4.0K]  bowtie2_indexes
|   |-- [ 10M]  chr22-hg19_ensGene.gtf
|   |-- [ 50M]  chr22-hg19.fa
|   |-- [  23]  chr22-hg19.fa.fai
|   |-- [2.4M]  chr22-hg19_refGene.gtf
|   |-- [916M]  hg19.1.bt2
|   |-- [684M]  hg19.2.bt2
|   |-- [3.7K]  hg19.3.bt2
|   |-- [684M]  hg19.4.bt2
|   |-- [ 10K]  hg19.dict
|   |-- [7.6M]  hg19_Ensembl.bed.gz
|   |-- [125M]  hg19_ensGene.1.bt2
|   |-- [ 68M]  hg19_ensGene.2.bt2
|   |-- [1.7M]  hg19_ensGene.3.bt2
|   |-- [ 68M]  hg19_ensGene.4.bt2
|   |-- [305M]  hg19_ensGene.fa
|   |-- [ 26M]  hg19_ensGene.fa.tlst
|   |-- [  16]  hg19_ensGene.gff -> hg19_ensGene.gtf
|   |-- [459M]  hg19_ensGene.gtf
|   |-- [125M]  hg19_ensGene.rev.1.bt2
|   |-- [ 68M]  hg19_ensGene.rev.2.bt2
|   |-- [  24]  hg19_ensGene.ver
|   |-- [2.9G]  hg19.fa
|   |-- [3.1K]  hg19.fa.fai
|   |-- [132M]  hg19_refGene.fa
|   |-- [ 98K]  hg19_refGene.fa.fai
|   |-- [8.1M]  hg19_refGene.fa.tlst
|   |-- [  16]  hg19_refGene.gff -> hg19_refGene.gtf
|   |-- [117M]  hg19_refGene.gtf
|   |-- [2.0M]  hg19_RefSeq.bed.gz
|   |-- [916M]  hg19.rev.1.bt2
|   |-- [684M]  hg19.rev.2.bt2
|   `-- [3.1K]  make_hg19.sh
|-- [4.0K]  Final_results
|   |-- [4.0K]  bamCorrelate_chr22-all
|   |   |-- [ 122]  bamCorrelate_log.txt
|   |   |-- [ 657]  correlation_matrix.txt
|   |   `-- [ 85K]  correlation_spearman.pdf
|   |-- [4.0K]  chr22-htseq_counts
|   |   |-- [ 23K]  chr22-chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup_counts.txt
|   |   `-- [ 94K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup_errorlog.txt
|   |-- [4.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup
|   |   |-- [ 34M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam
|   |   |-- [ 38K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.bai
|   |   `-- [ 53M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup-q.bam
|   |-- [4.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup_fastq
|   |   |-- [ 18M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup_fastq_1.fastq.gz
|   |   `-- [ 18M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup_fastq_2.fastq.gz
|   |-- [4.0K]  htseq_counts
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039508_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 13K]  SRR1039508_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039508_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039508_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039509_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039509_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039509_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 11K]  SRR1039509_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039510_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 13K]  SRR1039510_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039510_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039510_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039511_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039511_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039511_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 11K]  SRR1039511_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039512_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 16K]  SRR1039512_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039512_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 14K]  SRR1039512_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039513_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [9.4K]  SRR1039513_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039513_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [8.7K]  SRR1039513_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039514_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 22K]  SRR1039514_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039514_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 20K]  SRR1039514_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039515_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 13K]  SRR1039515_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039515_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039515_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039516_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 15K]  SRR1039516_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039516_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 14K]  SRR1039516_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039517_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 19K]  SRR1039517_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039517_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 17K]  SRR1039517_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039518_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 17K]  SRR1039518_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039518_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 15K]  SRR1039518_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039519_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039519_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039519_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 11K]  SRR1039519_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039520_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039520_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039520_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 11K]  SRR1039520_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039521_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 13K]  SRR1039521_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039521_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039521_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039522_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 16K]  SRR1039522_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039522_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 14K]  SRR1039522_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039523_all_counts.txt
|   |   |-- [ 17K]  SRR1039523_all_errorlog.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0M]  SRR1039523_gtf_counts.txt
|   |   `-- [ 16K]  SRR1039523_gtf_errorlog.txt
|   |-- [4.0K]  Qualimap_results
|   |   |-- [4.0K]  chr22-counts
|   |   |   `-- [ 23K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup_counts.txt
|   |   `-- [4.0K]  chr22-reports
|   |       `-- [4.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup
|   |           |-- [611K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup-Qualimap-bamqc-report.pdf
|   |           |-- [307K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup-Qualimap-rnaseq-report.pdf
|   |           |-- [6.7K]  genome_results.txt
|   |           |-- [2.9K]  qualimap-bamqc_log.txt
|   |           `-- [1.1M]  qualimap-rnaseq_log.txt
|   |-- [4.0K]  ref
|   |   |-- [516K]  chr22-hg19_ensGene.bed
|   |   |-- [7.6M]  hg19_Ensembl.bed.gz
|   |   |-- [ 24M]  hg19_ensGene.bed
|   |   `-- [2.0M]  hg19_RefSeq.bed.gz
|   |-- [4.0K]  RobiNA
|   |   |-- [5.1M]  DESeq1_results-all.csv
|   |   |-- [5.1M]  DESeq1-rev_results-all.csv
|   |   |-- [3.6M]  EdgeR_results-all.csv
|   |   |-- [2.2M]  GSE52778-counts.tsv
|   |   |-- [6.2K]  RobiNA-add_symbol.R
|   |   |-- [4.0K]  RobiNA_Deseq1
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  detailed_results
|   |   |   |   |-- [4.7M]  full_table_dex-untr.txt
|   |   |   |   `-- [2.2M]  RobiNA_Deseq1_raw_countstable.txt
|   |   |   |-- [2.2M]  GSE52778-counts.tsv
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  input
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  log
|   |   |   |   `-- [1.1K]  RobiNA_Deseq1.log
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  plots
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 25K]  hclust.png
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 84K]  MAplot_dex-untr.png
|   |   |   |   |-- [7.9K]  PCAplot.pdf
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 34K]  PCAplot_.png
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 52K]  vennDiagram_down.png
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 52K]  vennDiagram_total.png
|   |   |   |   `-- [ 51K]  vennDiagram_up.png
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  qualitychecks
|   |   |   |-- [1.7M]  RobiNA_Deseq1_results.txt
|   |   |   |-- [163K]  RobiNA_Deseq1_summary.pdf
|   |   |   `-- [4.0K]  source
|   |   |       |-- [4.0K]  lib
|   |   |       |   |-- [3.1K]  computeGenomicGCcontentTable.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [1.0K]  ellipse.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [ 489]  info.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [1.9K]  malowess.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [ 10K]  modifiedAffyCoreTools.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [5.0K]  plotSigDensities.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [1.0K]  RGbox.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [2.6K]  robinPlotMDS.dge.R
|   |   |       |   `-- [ 11K]  robinVennDiagram.R
|   |   |       |-- [   0]  rna_seq.type
|   |   |       |-- [ 416]  RobiNA_Deseq1_data.xml
|   |   |       |-- [7.6K]  RobiNA_Deseq1_DESEQ_main_analysis.R
|   |   |       `-- [ 509]  R.session.info.txt
|   |   |-- [4.0K]  RobiNA_Deseq1rev
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  detailed_results
|   |   |   |   |-- [4.7M]  full_table_untr-dex.txt
|   |   |   |   `-- [2.2M]  RobiNA_DESEQ1rev_raw_countstable.txt
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  input
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  log
|   |   |   |   `-- [1.2K]  RobiNA_DESEQ1rev.log
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  plots
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 25K]  hclust.png
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 83K]  MAplot_untr-dex.png
|   |   |   |   |-- [7.9K]  PCAplot.pdf
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 34K]  PCAplot_.png
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 52K]  vennDiagram_down.png
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 52K]  vennDiagram_total.png
|   |   |   |   `-- [ 51K]  vennDiagram_up.png
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  qualitychecks
|   |   |   |-- [1.7M]  RobiNA_DESEQ1rev_results.txt
|   |   |   |-- [163K]  RobiNA_DESEQ1rev_summary.pdf
|   |   |   `-- [4.0K]  source
|   |   |       |-- [4.0K]  lib
|   |   |       |   |-- [3.1K]  computeGenomicGCcontentTable.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [1.0K]  ellipse.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [ 489]  info.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [1.9K]  malowess.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [ 10K]  modifiedAffyCoreTools.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [5.0K]  plotSigDensities.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [1.0K]  RGbox.R
|   |   |       |   |-- [2.6K]  robinPlotMDS.dge.R
|   |   |       |   `-- [ 11K]  robinVennDiagram.R
|   |   |       |-- [   0]  rna_seq.type
|   |   |       |-- [ 419]  RobiNA_DESEQ1rev_data.xml
|   |   |       |-- [7.6K]  RobiNA_DESEQ1rev_DESEQ_main_analysis.R
|   |   |       `-- [ 509]  R.session.info.txt
|   |   `-- [4.0K]  RobiNA_EdgeR
|   |       |-- [4.0K]  detailed_results
|   |       |   |-- [3.1M]  full_table_dex-untr.txt
|   |       |   |-- [2.2M]  RobiNA_raw_countstable.txt
|   |       |   `-- [122K]  significant_dex-untr.txt
|   |       |-- [2.2M]  GSE52778-counts.tsv
|   |       |-- [4.0K]  input
|   |       |-- [4.0K]  log
|   |       |   `-- [1.2K]  RobiNA.log
|   |       |-- [4.0K]  plots
|   |       |   |-- [ 65K]  MAplot_dex-untr.png
|   |       |   |-- [ 35K]  MDSplot.png
|   |       |   |-- [ 52K]  vennDiagram_down.png
|   |       |   |-- [ 53K]  vennDiagram_total.png
|   |       |   `-- [ 50K]  vennDiagram_up.png
|   |       |-- [4.0K]  qualitychecks
|   |       |-- [1.7M]  RobiNA_results.txt
|   |       |-- [161K]  RobiNA_summary.pdf
|   |       `-- [4.0K]  source
|   |           |-- [4.0K]  lib
|   |           |   |-- [3.1K]  computeGenomicGCcontentTable.R
|   |           |   |-- [1.0K]  ellipse.R
|   |           |   |-- [ 489]  info.R
|   |           |   |-- [1.9K]  malowess.R
|   |           |   |-- [ 10K]  modifiedAffyCoreTools.R
|   |           |   |-- [5.0K]  plotSigDensities.R
|   |           |   |-- [1.0K]  RGbox.R
|   |           |   |-- [2.6K]  robinPlotMDS.dge.R
|   |           |   `-- [ 11K]  robinVennDiagram.R
|   |           |-- [   0]  rna_seq.type
|   |           |-- [ 407]  RobiNA_data.xml
|   |           |-- [6.3K]  RobiNA_EDGER_main_analysis.R
|   |           `-- [ 191]  R.session.info.txt
|   |-- [4.0K]  RSeQC_results
|   |   |-- [1.6K]  RSeQC-SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam_log.txt
|   |   |-- [   0]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.DupRate_plot.r
|   |   |-- [3.5K]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.geneBodyCoverage.curves.pdf
|   |   |-- [ 186]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.geneBodyCoverage.r
|   |   |-- [ 303]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.geneBodyCoverage.txt
|   |   |-- [ 307]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam_inferred.txt
|   |   |-- [1.2K]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam_inner_distance.inner_distance_freq.txt
|   |   |-- [8.2K]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam_inner_distance.inner_distance_plot.pdf
|   |   |-- [1.4K]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam_inner_distance.inner_distance_plot.r
|   |   |-- [ 53M]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam_inner_distance.inner_distance.txt
|   |   |-- [5.5K]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.junctionSaturation_plot.pdf
|   |   |-- [ 876]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.junctionSaturation_plot.r
|   |   |-- [   0]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.pos.DupRate.xls
|   |   `-- [   0]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam.seq.DupRate.xls
|   |-- [4.0K]  SRP033351-chr22_bam
|   |   |-- [ 40M]  chr22_SRR1039508_all.bam
|   |   |-- [ 38K]  chr22_SRR1039508_all.bam.bai
|   |   |-- [ 34M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all.bam
|   |   |-- [ 38K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all.bam.bai
|   |   |-- [ 45M]  chr22_SRR1039512_all.bam
|   |   |-- [ 40K]  chr22_SRR1039512_all.bam.bai
|   |   |-- [ 29M]  chr22_SRR1039513_all.bam
|   |   |-- [ 36K]  chr22_SRR1039513_all.bam.bai
|   |   |-- [ 46M]  chr22_SRR1039516_all.bam
|   |   |-- [ 40K]  chr22_SRR1039516_all.bam.bai
|   |   |-- [ 56M]  chr22_SRR1039517_all.bam
|   |   |-- [ 42K]  chr22_SRR1039517_all.bam.bai
|   |   |-- [ 38M]  chr22_SRR1039520_all.bam
|   |   |-- [ 38K]  chr22_SRR1039520_all.bam.bai
|   |   |-- [ 39M]  chr22_SRR1039521_all.bam
|   |   `-- [ 37K]  chr22_SRR1039521_all.bam.bai
|   |-- [4.0K]  SRP033351-chr22_fastq
|   |   |-- [ 21M]  chr22_SRR1039508_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 21M]  chr22_SRR1039508_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 18M]  chr22_SRR1039509_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 18M]  chr22_SRR1039509_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 19M]  chr22_SRR1039510_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 19M]  chr22_SRR1039510_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 19M]  chr22_SRR1039511_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 18M]  chr22_SRR1039511_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 24M]  chr22_SRR1039512_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 24M]  chr22_SRR1039512_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 15M]  chr22_SRR1039513_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 15M]  chr22_SRR1039513_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 38M]  chr22_SRR1039514_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 38M]  chr22_SRR1039514_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 23M]  chr22_SRR1039515_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 23M]  chr22_SRR1039515_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 24M]  chr22_SRR1039516_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 24M]  chr22_SRR1039516_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 30M]  chr22_SRR1039517_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 30M]  chr22_SRR1039517_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 27M]  chr22_SRR1039518_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 27M]  chr22_SRR1039518_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 22M]  chr22_SRR1039519_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 22M]  chr22_SRR1039519_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 20M]  chr22_SRR1039520_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 20M]  chr22_SRR1039520_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 20M]  chr22_SRR1039521_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 20M]  chr22_SRR1039521_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 25M]  chr22_SRR1039522_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 25M]  chr22_SRR1039522_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [ 27M]  chr22_SRR1039523_1.fastq.gz
|   |   `-- [ 27M]  chr22_SRR1039523_2.fastq.gz
|   |-- [4.0K]  SRR1039509_bam
|   |   |-- [ 18K]  MarkDuplicates_SRR1039509_all_log.txt
|   |   |-- [ 17K]  MarkDuplicates_SRR1039509_gtf_log.txt
|   |   |-- [2.9G]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam
|   |   |-- [2.5K]  SRR1039509_all_mdup.txt
|   |   |-- [2.0G]  SRR1039509_gtf_mdup.bam
|   |   `-- [2.5K]  SRR1039509_gtf_mdup.txt
|   |-- [4.0K]  SRR1039509-chr22_read_qc-Results
|   |   |-- [ 21K]  chr22_SRR1039509_1_boxplot.png
|   |   |-- [334K]  chr22_SRR1039509_1_fastqc.html
|   |   |-- [393K]  chr22_SRR1039509_1_fastqc.zip
|   |   |-- [6.5K]  chr22_SRR1039509_1.fastq.gz_statslineplot.pdf
|   |   |-- [5.1K]  chr22_SRR1039509_1.fastq.gz_stats.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  chr22_SRR1039509_1_nuclplot.png
|   |   |-- [ 21K]  chr22_SRR1039509_2_boxplot.png
|   |   |-- [332K]  chr22_SRR1039509_2_fastqc.html
|   |   |-- [390K]  chr22_SRR1039509_2_fastqc.zip
|   |   |-- [6.5K]  chr22_SRR1039509_2.fastq.gz_statslineplot.pdf
|   |   |-- [5.1K]  chr22_SRR1039509_2.fastq.gz_stats.txt
|   |   |-- [ 13K]  chr22_SRR1039509_2_nuclplot.png
|   |   `-- [   0]  error.log
|   |-- [4.0K]  SRR1039509_fastq
|   |   |-- [331K]  SRR1039509_1_fastqc.html
|   |   |-- [408K]  SRR1039509_1_fastqc.zip
|   |   |-- [1.2G]  SRR1039509_1.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [363K]  SRR1039509_1.fastq.pdf
|   |   |-- [330K]  SRR1039509_2_fastqc.html
|   |   |-- [410K]  SRR1039509_2_fastqc.zip
|   |   |-- [1.2G]  SRR1039509_2.fastq.gz
|   |   |-- [363K]  SRR1039509_2.fastq.pdf
|   |   `-- [1.4G]  SRR1039509.sra
|   |-- [4.0K]  SRR1039509_read_qc-Results
|   |   |-- [   0]  error.log
|   |   |-- [ 21K]  SRR1039509_1_boxplot.png
|   |   |-- [332K]  SRR1039509_1_fastqc.html
|   |   |-- [411K]  SRR1039509_1_fastqc.zip
|   |   |-- [6.5K]  SRR1039509_1.fastq.gz_statslineplot.pdf
|   |   |-- [5.9K]  SRR1039509_1.fastq.gz_stats.txt
|   |   |-- [ 12K]  SRR1039509_1_nuclplot.png
|   |   |-- [ 21K]  SRR1039509_2_boxplot.png
|   |   |-- [331K]  SRR1039509_2_fastqc.html
|   |   |-- [412K]  SRR1039509_2_fastqc.zip
|   |   |-- [6.5K]  SRR1039509_2.fastq.gz_statslineplot.pdf
|   |   |-- [6.0K]  SRR1039509_2.fastq.gz_stats.txt
|   |   `-- [ 13K]  SRR1039509_2_nuclplot.png
|   |-- [4.0K]  tophat2.0.13_results
|   |   |-- [4.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-mappings
|   |   |   |-- [ 34M]  accepted_hits.bam
|   |   |   |-- [ 557]  align_summary.txt
|   |   |   |-- [ 24K]  deletions.bed
|   |   |   |-- [ 34K]  insertions.bed
|   |   |   |-- [194K]  junctions.bed
|   |   |   |-- [4.0K]  logs
|   |   |   |   |-- [   0]  bam_merge_um.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 10K]  bowtie_build.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 211]  bowtie.left_kept_reads.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 209]  bowtie.left_kept_reads_seg1.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 209]  bowtie.left_kept_reads_seg2.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 211]  bowtie.right_kept_reads.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 209]  bowtie.right_kept_reads_seg1.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 209]  bowtie.right_kept_reads_seg2.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [2.5K]  juncs_db.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 300]  long_spanning_reads.segs.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 149]  prep_reads.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [2.7K]  reports.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [   0]  reports.merge_bam.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [   0]  reports.samtools_sort.log0
|   |   |   |   |-- [   0]  reports.samtools_sort.log1
|   |   |   |   |-- [ 18K]  run.log
|   |   |   |   |-- [2.9K]  segment_juncs.log
|   |   |   |   `-- [1.9K]  tophat.log
|   |   |   |-- [ 176]  prep_reads.info
|   |   |   `-- [ 51K]  unmapped.bam
|   |   |-- [ 33M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam
|   |   |-- [1.5M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.bai
|   |   |-- [ 424]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat_flagstat.txt
|   |   |-- [1.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat-mappings_QS.txt
|   |   |-- [4.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat_plots
|   |   |   |-- [2.9K]  acgt-cycles.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 16K]  acgt-cycles.png
|   |   |   |-- [7.5K]  coverage.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 21K]  coverage.png
|   |   |   |-- [1.8K]  gc-content.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 23K]  gc-content.png
|   |   |   |-- [3.8K]  gc-depth.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 26K]  gc-depth.png
|   |   |   |-- [2.1K]  indel-cycles.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 34K]  indel-cycles.png
|   |   |   |-- [ 823]  indel-dist.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 26K]  indel-dist.png
|   |   |   |-- [4.3K]  index.html
|   |   |   |-- [223K]  insert-size.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 17K]  insert-size.png
|   |   |   |-- [4.1K]  quals2.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 20K]  quals2.png
|   |   |   |-- [ 42K]  quals3.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 57K]  quals3.png
|   |   |   |-- [1.6K]  quals.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 24K]  quals-hm.gp
|   |   |   |-- [ 28K]  quals-hm.png
|   |   |   `-- [ 17K]  quals.png
|   |   |-- [4.9K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat-QS_distribution.pdf
|   |   |-- [185K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat_stats.txt
|   |   |-- [4.0K]  markdup_bams
|   |   |   |-- [ 53M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup.bam
|   |   |   |-- [ 329]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup-counts.txt
|   |   |   |-- [2.5K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all_mdup.txt
|   |   |   `-- [3.7K]  MarkDuplicates_chr22_SRR1039509_all_log.txt
|   |   `-- [2.0K]  tophat-all-log_chr22_SRR1039509.txt
|   `-- [4.0K]  tophat2.0.13_results_gtf
|       |-- [   0]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat_flagstat.txt
|       |-- [4.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat_plots
|       |-- [   0]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat_stats.txt
|       |-- [4.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf-mappings
|       |   |-- [ 33M]  accepted_hits.bam
|       |   |-- [ 560]  align_summary.txt
|       |   |-- [ 24K]  deletions.bed
|       |   |-- [ 30K]  insertions.bed
|       |   |-- [216K]  junctions.bed
|       |   |-- [4.0K]  logs
|       |   |   |-- [   0]  bam_merge_um.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 12K]  bowtie_build.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 211]  bowtie.left_kept_reads.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 205]  bowtie.left_kept_reads.m2g_um.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 197]  bowtie.left_kept_reads.m2g_um_seg1.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 196]  bowtie.left_kept_reads.m2g_um_seg2.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 211]  bowtie.right_kept_reads.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 205]  bowtie.right_kept_reads.m2g_um.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 196]  bowtie.right_kept_reads.m2g_um_seg1.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 196]  bowtie.right_kept_reads.m2g_um_seg2.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 142]  gtf_juncs.log
|       |   |   |-- [2.5K]  juncs_db.log
|       |   |   |-- [ 300]  long_spanning_reads.segs.log
|       |   |   |-- [  47]  m2g_left_kept_reads.err
|       |   |   |-- [ 164]  m2g_left_kept_reads.out
|       |   |   |-- [  47]  m2g_right_kept_reads.err
|       |   |   |-- [ 164]  m2g_right_kept_reads.out
|       |   |   |-- [ 149]  prep_reads.log
|       |   |   |-- [2.8K]  reports.log
|       |   |   |-- [   0]  reports.samtools_sort.log0
|       |   |   |-- [ 22K]  run.log
|       |   |   |-- [2.9K]  segment_juncs.log
|       |   |   `-- [2.4K]  tophat.log
|       |   |-- [ 176]  prep_reads.info
|       |   `-- [ 14K]  unmapped.bam
|       |-- [ 33M]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf-tophat.bam
|       |-- [1.5M]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf-tophat.bam.bai
|       |-- [ 426]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf-tophat_flagstat.txt
|       |-- [1.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf-tophat-mappings_QS.txt
|       |-- [4.0K]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf-tophat_plots
|       |   |-- [2.9K]  acgt-cycles.gp
|       |   |-- [ 16K]  acgt-cycles.png
|       |   |-- [7.5K]  coverage.gp
|       |   |-- [ 21K]  coverage.png
|       |   |-- [1.8K]  gc-content.gp
|       |   |-- [ 23K]  gc-content.png
|       |   |-- [3.6K]  gc-depth.gp
|       |   |-- [ 26K]  gc-depth.png
|       |   |-- [2.1K]  indel-cycles.gp
|       |   |-- [ 47K]  indel-cycles.png
|       |   |-- [ 827]  indel-dist.gp
|       |   |-- [ 27K]  indel-dist.png
|       |   |-- [4.3K]  index.html
|       |   |-- [223K]  insert-size.gp
|       |   |-- [ 17K]  insert-size.png
|       |   |-- [4.1K]  quals2.gp
|       |   |-- [ 21K]  quals2.png
|       |   |-- [ 42K]  quals3.gp
|       |   |-- [ 56K]  quals3.png
|       |   |-- [1.6K]  quals.gp
|       |   |-- [ 24K]  quals-hm.gp
|       |   |-- [ 28K]  quals-hm.png
|       |   `-- [ 17K]  quals.png
|       |-- [4.9K]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf-tophat-QS_distribution.pdf
|       |-- [185K]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf-tophat_stats.txt
|       |-- [4.0K]  markdup_bams
|       |   |-- [ 52M]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf_mdup.bam
|       |   |-- [ 327]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf_mdup-counts.txt
|       |   |-- [2.6K]  chr22_SRR1039509_gtf_mdup.txt
|       |   `-- [3.8K]  MarkDuplicates_chr22_SRR1039509_gtf_log.txt
|       `-- [2.5K]  tophat-gtf-log_chr22_SRR1039509.txt
|-- [4.0K]  input_files
|   |-- [4.2M]  Dex_vs_untreated_results.csv
|   |-- [4.5M]  EdgeR-Dex_vs_untreated_results.csv
|   |-- [232K]  EdgeR_filtered-Dex_vs_untreated_results.csv
|   |-- [ 825]  GSE52778_metadata.txt
|   |-- [3.1M]  htseq-counts_all.csv
|   `-- [ 849]  htseq-counts_all-summary.csv
|-- [4.0K]  ref
|   |-- [516K]  chr22-hg19_ensGene.bed
|   |-- [7.6M]  hg19_Ensembl.bed.gz
|   |-- [ 24M]  hg19_ensGene.bed
|   `-- [2.0M]  hg19_RefSeq.bed.gz
|-- [4.0K]  R-scripts
|   |-- [2.8K]  compare-DESeq2-EdgeR_LFC.Rmd
|   |-- [4.2K]  compare-DESeq_LFC.Rmd
|   |-- [3.2K]  compare-htseq_counts.R
|   |-- [1.9K]  get_metadata.R
|   |-- [1.8K]  htseq-combine_all.R
|   |-- [5.5K]  htseq-compare_untreated.Rmd
|   |-- [ 13K]  SRP033351-DESeq2_analysis.Rmd
|   `-- [ 15K]  SRP033351-EdgeR_analysis.Rmd
|-- [4.0K]  RSeQC_chr22-results
|   |-- [ 12K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.DupRate_plot.pdf
|   |-- [4.5K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.DupRate_plot.r
|   |-- [5.1K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.geneBodyCoverage.curves.pdf
|   |-- [1.8K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.geneBodyCoverage.r
|   |-- [1.2K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.geneBodyCoverage.txt
|   |-- [ 313]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam_inferred.txt
|   |-- [1.2K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam_inner_distance.inner_distance_freq.txt
|   |-- [7.9K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam_inner_distance.inner_distance_plot.pdf
|   |-- [1.4K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam_inner_distance.inner_distance_plot.r
|   |-- [ 19M]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam_inner_distance.inner_distance.txt
|   |-- [5.4K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.junctionSaturation_plot.pdf
|   |-- [ 785]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.junctionSaturation_plot.r
|   |-- [1.9K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.pos.DupRate.xls
|   |-- [1.7K]  chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam.seq.DupRate.xls
|   `-- [1.9K]  RSeQC-chr22_SRR1039509_all-tophat.bam_log.txt
|-- [4.0K]  scripts
|   |-- [1.8K]  avgQdist2linePlot.R
|   |-- [2.0K]  bam_htseq-count_chr22.sh
|   |-- [2.2K]  bam_htseq-count.sh
|   |-- [1.6K]  bam_markdup.sh
|   |-- [2.3K]  cutadapt_both.sh
|   |-- [1.8K]  deeptool_bamCorrelate_chr22-all.sh
|   |-- [4.0K]  ex1_2-scripts
|   |   |-- [ 989]  bedtools_bam-compare.sh
|   |   `-- [ 465]  picard_bam-compare.sh
|   |-- [1.7K]  extract_chr22_to_fastq.sh
|   |-- [2.2K]  get_reads_with_aspera.sh
|   |-- [ 888]  mapping_metrics.sh
|   |-- [2.5K]  Qualimap_bam.sh
|   |-- [2.4K]  Qualimap_chr22-bam.sh
|   |-- [3.1K]  RSeQC_bam.sh
|   |-- [3.2K]  RSeQC_chr22-bam.sh
|   |-- [1.7K]  run_fastqc-chr22.sh
|   |-- [1.7K]  run_fastqc.sh
|   |-- [1.9K]  tophat_map-all.sh
|   `-- [2.0K]  tophat_map-gtf.sh
|-- [4.0K]  SRA_GSE52778
|   |-- [   0]  GSE52778
|   |-- [113K]  GSE52778_1.png
|   |-- [ 69K]  GSE52778_2.png
|   |-- [ 48K]  GSE52778_3.png
|   |-- [2.5M]  GSE52778_All_Sample_FPKM_Matrix.txt.gz
|   |-- [2.2M]  GSE52778-counts.tsv
|   |-- [ 43K]  GSE52778_series_matrix.txt
|   |-- [3.5K]  GSE52778_series_matrix.txt.gz
|   |-- [760K]  PMID_24926665.pdf
|   |-- [134K]  pubmed_ref.png
|   |-- [5.6K]  SraRunTable.txt
|   |-- [212K]  SRA_SRP033351-details.png
|   |-- [140K]  SRA_SRP033351.png
|   `-- [ 176]  SRR_Acc_List.txt
`-- [4.0K]  SRR1039509-chr22_fastq
    |-- [ 18M]  chr22_SRR1039509_1.fastq.gz
    `-- [ 18M]  chr22_SRR1039509_2.fastq.gz

63 directories, 494 files