Exercise 11C: Comparing ordered groups in Prism

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Go to parent GraphPad Prism statistical analyses

When the groups are defined by a quantitative factor e.g. dose, time so that they can be arranged in an order, you can test whether there is a trend in the data values. For instance, the data values increase when the dose increases. If you want to perform this test, you have to place the columns in the correct order, perform a one-way ANOVA and choose test for linear trend as a follow-up test.

I measured the bacterial load (expressed in log10CFU) of Candida albicans in biofilms after administration of a potential fungicide. I used a 4-four dilution of the fungicide where 1 is the lowest and 256 is the highest dose.

The data are available as a csv file. The comma is used as a decimal separator.

Open the file in WordPad. The first row contains the column headers (dose of fungicide that was administered). Prism doesn't know that the first row of numbers in the csv file do not represent data but instead represent column headers. So you will have to tell Prism that.