Python day 1 recap

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Question sheets

Page 1

1.) Option 1 and 2, option 3 is wrong (Python will see this as three variables with names enter, your and name separated by spaces - this gives a syntax error)

2.) Option 1, 3, 4 and 5. Option 2 is wrong - Python can't make an integer out of letters.

3.) Option 1 and 4. Option 2 is wrong - you cannot assign a value to an integer (it cannot be a variable name), option 3 is also wrong - when you assign the variable has to be on the left of the = sign.

4.) Option 1 and 4. Option 2 is wrong, you cannot use ., and option 3 is a command - you cannot make this a variable.

5.) Option 1, 2 and 3. Option 4 is a division by zero.

6.) Option 1 and 2 will result in an integer 8 (the // is the same as /), option 4 will result in a float 8.0, and option 3 will result in 16.

7.) Option 2 is the only 'real' comment - you can use option 1 as a comment but it's also a multi-line string. Option 3 will fail, option 4 is a string.

Page 2

  • 1023 - int
  • None - NoneType
  • [2, 4, 8, 16] - list
  • True - Boolean
  • 17.54 - float
  • ('Roger',1952) - tuple
  • "my fat cat" - str(ing)
  • {'name': 'Roger', 'birth': 1952} - dict(ionary)

Page 3

Starting from top, clockwise:

  • False
  • my fat rat
  • 3
  • cat
  • my fat cat (NOTE: no newline!)
  • t
  • ['my','fat','cat']

Page 4

  • 1 -> R.GB
  • 2 -> 3. RGB
  • 3 -> 3.14
  • 4 -> B RG
  • 5 -> 5
  • 6 -> RG 7B

Page 5

Starting from top, clockwise:

  • [0,1]
  • 1
  • [0,0,1,2]
  • 0 (Note: default is to take last from list)
  • 4
  • True
  • [2,0,1,0,"A"]
  • 2

Page 6

Operations in order:

5, 1, 2, 4, 3

Page 7

Operations in order:

3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 4

Page 8

1.) Option 3

2.) Option 2. Option 1 multiplies the list, option 3 starts at 0, option 4 gives the wrong values (8 at the end)

1.) Options 1 and 3. In option 2 there's a comma missing, option 4 is a list

2.) Options 1 and 3.

3.) Options 1, 2, 3, and 4

Page 9

1.) Options 2, 3, 4 and 6. Option 1 is an assignment, 5 is missing :.

2.) Options 1, 2, 3.

3.) Options 1, 3.

4.) Options 1, 2, 3. Option 6 is correct if seq is a list/tuple/string

5.) Options 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Page 10

  • 1 -> a != 0
  • 2 -> a < 19
  • 3 -> abs(a) < 7
  • 4 -> a >= 0

Exercise solution

# This variable will be used for the while loop
validSequence = False
# Keep on going as long as the DNA sequence is not valid
while not validSequence:
  # Get a string from the user
  fullDnaSequence = input("Please enter your full DNA sequence:")
  fullDnaSequence = fullDnaSequence.upper()
  # Count the GACT characters in the sequence
  gactCount = 0
  for code in 'GACT':
    gactCount += fullDnaSequence.count(code)
  # Check if the number of GACT characters matches the full length of the sequence
  # and set validSequence to True if so - this will stop the while: loop
  if gactCount == len(fullDnaSequence):
    validSequence = True
    print("\nInvalid sequence, only GACT allowed, try again!.\n")
# Print some line breaks
# Prime the list to track the DNA fragments and the variable for the while loop
dnaFragmentInfo = []
dnaFragment = input("Please give a DNA fragment to check:")
while dnaFragment:
  # Check if present at all
  dnaFragmentCount = fullDnaSequence.count(dnaFragment)
  if dnaFragmentCount:
    currentDnaSequenceIndex = 0
    for i in range(dnaFragmentCount):        
      # Equivalent to 
      #currentDnaSequenceIndex = currentDnaSequenceIndex + fullDna...
      currentDnaSequenceIndex += fullDnaSequence[currentDnaSequenceIndex:].index(dnaFragment)
      print("\n  Fragment {} present at position {}.\n".format(dnaFragment,currentDnaSequenceIndex + 1))
      dnaFragmentInfo.append((currentDnaSequenceIndex + 1,dnaFragment))
      currentDnaSequenceIndex += 1
    print("\n  Fragment {} not present!\n".format(dnaFragment))
  dnaFragment = input("Please give a DNA fragment to check:")
# Print some line breaks
# Print out the fragment information again, first sort it
for (dnaFragmentPosition,dnaFragment) in dnaFragmentInfo:
  print("Found {} at position {}".format(dnaFragment,dnaFragmentPosition))

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