Motif analysis

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For the motif analysis, you first need to extract the sequences corresponding to the peaks. There are several ways to do this (as usual...). If you work on a UCSC-supported organism, the easiest is to use RSAT fetch-sequences. Here, we will use Bedtools, as we have the genome of interest at our disposal (Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta). However, we have to index the fasta file first to make it easy to access.

Use this tool to index the E. coli genome and copy the resulting .fai file to the Files tab (in the same folder as the fasta file).

Save the resulting .fa file to your computer.

To detect transcription factor motifs, you will use the Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools. It has a specific teaching server recommended for trainings:

You will use the program peak-motifs.

The default peak-motifs web form only displays the essential options. There are only two mandatory parameters.

We will now modify some of the advanced options in order to fine-tune the analysis according to your data set.

The Web page also displays a link, You can already click on this link. The report will be progressively updated during the processing of the workflow.