Exercise 11E: Comparing groups of nominal data defined by two grouping variables in Prism

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Go to parent GraphPad Prism statistical analyses

We used a number of perforin-deficient and wild type mice and used flow cytometry to count T-cell subpopulations in these mice. We counted the number of CD8+ naive cells, CD8+ central memory T cells (TCM) and CD8+ effector memory T cells (TEM). All variables are nominal: wt/mutant and CD8+ naive/TCM/TEM.
The question is: Is there an effect of the mutation on the distribution of CD8+ T cells?

The data are available as a csv file.

Contingency tables are used to tabulate the actual number of subjects that fall into the categories defined by the rows and columns of a table, so you have to use counts as inputs. GraphPad advises against entering normalized values or percentages.